19. – 24. 6. 2022 Ivančice, Česká Republika

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SAM 78 – Czechoslovakia
XVIII. European Antique Model Aircraft Competition
Dear colleagues
It has been two years since we were unable to organise our top event, the European Championships, due to the pandemic. It finally looked like our championship would be without major obstructions, but unfortunately we were wrong. An aggressor attacking an independent country makes everything more expensive, including our hobby. I hope that this will not affect your participation in the championship and that we will meet in as large a number as possible.
Our club has again the honour to host the European Championships. On 22 March 1990 the club was founded SAM 78 – Czechoslovakia. It was the first SAM club to be established in the countries of the then collapsed Eastern block.
Many things have changed over the course of the club's more than 30-year history. The common state of Czechs and Slovaks, in which the club was founded and which gave it its name, no longer exists. Our club did not lose the essence of its existence with the breakup of the former Czechoslovakia, nor did pressures arise to change its name. We believe and are convinced that our Slovak colleagues will not object if the name of our club remains a permanent reminder that every nation has its inalienable right to self-determination, but that it is always possible to part ways in a way that preserves mutual respect and friendship.
Some things are changing, but there is no need to change them when they work. The European Championship, which we organized in 2015 at the Czech Heaven Airport in Ivančice, was appreciated very positively by the participants. We are pleased. Even the upcoming championships will be organized at this modelling, modellers very friendly airport. Over the past five years, the airport has grown including other grass area. We will have use of them during the competition.
As already mentioned, Czech Heaven modelling airport is friendly to modellers. Its representatives are now negotiating an exception with the Air Force of the Army of the Czech Republic, so that competitors can fly without height restrictions and our entire top competition has free flight space. Czech Heaven Airport is located approximately thirty kilometres from the military helicopter base in Naměšt nad Oslavou. Although the championship in 2015 in this respect was smooth, the course of the competition was influenced by height limitations, and we would like to avoid this.
Around Ivančice there are many interesting places, friendly to social celebrations of visitors from near and far. But the social meeting will take place in Ivančice, near the airport, in the premises of the RAF Emil Boček Museum, the last living of Czechoslovak pilots flying in the service of the Royal Air Force during World War II.
On the behalf of SAM 78 club
Zdeněk Hanáček
General Emil Boček
* 25.2.1923 Brno-Tuřany
After the occupation of Czechoslovakia in March, shortly after Christmas, December 27, 1939, then sixteen-year-old Emil left home. The goal was clear, join the army and fight with the occupiers. After several failed attempts, he eventually managed to get to Budapest at the French consulate, which arranged for his transport to Yugoslavia. He travelled through Greece and Turkey to Beirut, where he and his comrades boarded the French ship Compiegne - direction Marseille on April 5, 1940. The same month, 16 April 1940, joined Agde in the Czechoslovak army. First to the 1st Infantry Regiment, 30 May 1940 but he was transferred to the 2nd Infantry Regiment. He participated in the retreating battles against the Germans with it. They didn't last long. 27th June 1940 in the port of Sete with his comrades boarded the Egyptian ship Rod-el-Farag. The journey to Liverpool, England took two weeks.
It was obvious to Emil that he would not be able to take part in the upcoming air battles. 17th August 1940 and enrol in the Air Force. Next year in February he got the qualification of aircraft mechanic and began service with the 312th Czechoslovak Fighter Squadron RAF. He served as a mechanic in the squadron until October 28, 1942. At that time he was sent for basic flight training, which he graduated successfully in London, Paignton, Shellingfordu and Machester, so that he could sail from Greenock in Scotland for training overseas in Canada on June 23, 1943. The pilot course was successfully finished on January 28, 1944 in Medicine Hat, Alberta. After a short holiday, it was time to return to Europe, and on March 2, 1944 he landed in Liverpool again. He completed his continuing training in Ternhill and Eshott and Boulmer air bases. Finally, on October 20, 1944 he was transferred to the 310th Czechoslovak Fighter Squadron RAF as a pilot "B" squadron, operating then at the North Weald airport. He made his first operational flight symbolically on October 28, 1944, the day which has been celebrated since 1918 as the day of the establishment of Czechoslovakia.
Since then, he participated in combat actions in the escorts of Allied bombers over Europe and in the offensive actions on German positions. The last combat action then he carried out after the war 12th 5th 1945 from Manston airport. Emil Boček returned to his homeland together with his comrades from the Czechoslovak RAF Squadron No. 310. 311. and 312. on 13 August 1945 ...
How to fly?
Review the rules and see who you will meet at the competition.
This year we will fly under the rules of SAM ME 2017-2020. Additional category Texaco Classic is included whose rules are posted on this site.
All competitors must register their models using the form on this page. Registration is in real time and the list of registered pilots will be continuously updated.
Model registration is online. The list of registered models is here and this data will also be used to print the starting cards.
Thanks to our sponsors
2022 SAM European Championship programme
10:00–17:00 Registration
17:00–18:00 Official opening
18:00–20:00 International Committee Meeting
09:00–09:30 Briefing
17:00–18:00 Fly off
18:30–19:00 Award ceremony
09:00–09:30 Briefing
09:30–17:00 ELOT, NMR 2.5, ELEKTRORUBER
17:00–18:00 Fly off
18:30–19:00 Award ceremony
09:00–09:30 Briefing
09:30–17:00 SPEED 400, ½ TEXACO, NMR
17:00–18:00 Fly off
18:30–19:00 Award ceremony
09:00–09:30 Briefing
09:30–17:00 TEXACO, OTMR“C“, ALOT
17:00–18:00 Fly off
18:00–19:30 Award ceremony
20:00–23:00 Banket
Reserve day
Registration form of competitors and models
Before you start registration, prepare the necessary data for all competition models. Model name, year, author, weight, wing loading in g/dm2. Please fill in these details carefully, because they will be printed on the starting card. For checking the models, please bring the necessary documentation for your models (construction plan, fly - photo for document the year of origin of the model, etc. according to the applicable rules).
Registration is done in two steps: first, fill in your personal information, and then add all of your models to the application form with a small button. Once everything is complete, press the big button to send the data and save it to the database. To verify that you submitted the application correctly, click the list of competitors and the list of models. In the case of any errors, corrections, etc., please contact us using the contact form in the footer of this website or use the "Contact Us" page.
additional information
Accommodation and food, map.
Airports Czech Heaven provides a comprehensive service for all its visitors.
Accommodation is available at the airport. You can choose to stay in a dormitory or use the camp site to camp or stay in a motor home or caravan, or stay in one of the guest houses in the area.

We solve problems on the spot
Contact form
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We will publish all information regarding the competition on this website. If you want to be notified of these news by email, subscribe to receive them.